NONPF 40th Annual Meeting
Educating NP Students on Interpretation of the 12-lead EKG
In Phase 1, we will cover rate, rhythm, p waves, QRS complex, ST segment, and T wave. Learners will have individual and small group practice with multiple normal and abnormal rhythms. We will review overall summary of 10-12 interpretations. In Phase 2, we will begin with limb leads and normal axis response. We will cover upward and isoelectric deflections, then move into what occurs when an injury or ischemic area of the heart is evaluated. Then, in Phase 3, we will analyze many examples of 12-lead EKGs. We will begin with the normal 12-lead EKG and move into abnormal EKGs. We will cover anterior, lateral, and inferior injuries and will highlight ST elevation or depression changes specific to myocardial injuries. We will also cover grouped lead interpretation when looking at specific types of injuries.
To wrap the session, we will discuss how to implement this learning lesson with NP students in the traditional and online classrooms. I cannot teach this session without requiring active participation from the learners. I recommend requiring all students to participate in a small group throughout the session.