Interprofessional Education: A Curricular Gap Analysis
Key concept terminology for IPE, CDSM, MI and C&D were reviewed in graduate syllabi from a university's Colleges Nursing, Medicine, and Allied Health Sciences. The terms were tallied in the following course content areas: descriptions, objectives, didactic content, learning activities, and evaluation. Exemplary syllabi included 4 out of the 5 key concept terms in course content. Courses with key concepts in 3 out of 5 content areas were defined as meeting minimum expectations.
A total of 457 syllabi from 14 graduate programs were reviewed. Twelve exemplary syllabi were found with key concepts threaded throughout the course: 3 with IPE, 4 with MI and 5 with C&D. Fifteen courses met minimum expectations: 3 with MI, 4 with IP and 8 with C&D for a total of 27 courses. Across all colleges 0 syllabi contained sufficient CDSM key concept terminology to meet minimal expectations. The results of the curricular gap analysis were presented to the Office of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation, University Curriculum and faculty development Committees and Deans of the Colleges.
These measurable outcomes have gained awareness and commitment of administration to IPE. Collectively has chosen IPE as a quality improvement program for accreditation, integrated IPE into their Mission and Vision statement, sanctioned a Center for Applied Interprofessional Practice and Education and clinically relevant IPE activities such as workshops, simulations experiences and collaborative clinical experiences have been offered to both faculty and students.