NONPF 40th Annual Meeting
Expanding Clinical Opportunities to Maximize AG-ACNP Competencies
Nurse Practitioner Education Initiative: The A-G ACNP program practicum locations were evaluated for inclusion of the A-G ACNP age groups and settings. Clinical sites were expanded to include a teen center, a student health on a University campus, a long-term care facility and skilled nursing facilities. Negotiation of these sites required education on the terminology and role of the A-G ACNP with colleagues, assessment of the site as a suitable clinical environment, site visits, and monitoring of student progress to meet competencies and objectives.
These additional clinical sites provided opportunities for students to work with highly vulnerable populations, to adapt communication skills and assess health status. These environments allowed them to focus on disease prevention and restoration of maximum health and/or provision of palliative care, health risk behaviors, and substance use. These settings increased understanding of coordination of care across care settings, and of strategies to assist patients and families in navigating transitions across healthcare settings. They were able to focus on safety and risk reduction and develop strategies to keep patients in their home environment (Skilled Nursing Facility) or to facilitate return to their home in the community.
Implications for Nurse Practitioner Education and Practice: Expansion of clinical sites for the A-G ACNP beyond the hospital and specialty clinic arenas provides an excellent opportunity for students to focus on the spectrum of ages and required assessment skills. The outcomes of these experiences provide validation for expansion of clinical sites in the A-G ACNP program. Additionally, this program demonstrates how collaboration, teamwork, communication, and clinical competencies can be enhanced in teen and gerontology settings.