NONPF 38th Annual Conference

Genetics the Forefront of Healthcare

Saturday, April 16, 2011: 1:45 PM
Enchantment AB (Hyatt Regency Albuquerque)
Cheryl Mele, MSN , Nursing, Drexel University, Williamstown, NJ
The impact of progress in medical genetics in the past decade has been dramatic, especially since the Human Genome Project was complete. Numerous research and publication per year refers to the interactions of known disease and genetic origins. Treatments, especially pharmaceutical, are being designed and prescribe according to one’s genome. These advances in genetic science require that the APN to be well versed in genetics to orchestrate patient care and improve patient outcomes.  The APN educational backround should reflect competencies in genetics to know what procedures, evalustions , or consults should be initiated to resolve questions or clinical conundrums. Many APN’s curriculums are void in the content of genetics and impact on wellness and disease. The presentation will review the essential areas of genetics to incorporate in the APN’s course of study and the resources to provide competency in this exploding field of research.


    Presentation Handouts