Integration of Standardized Patients (SP's) for simulation in preparation of Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AG-ACNP) students for Clinical Experience

Friday, April 24, 2015: 2:20 PM
Key Ballroom 3-4 (Hilton Baltimore)
Amita Avadhani, DNP, DCC, ACNP, ANP, CCRN, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ and Bimbola Akintade, PhD, ACNP-BC, MBA, MHA, University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD
Transition from a Registered Nurse (RN) to a Nurse Practitioner (NP) requires a major change in roles. This often requires a shift in paradigms from a task oriented perspective to an independent provider. Critical thinking, diagnostic acumen and time management skills are critical to adapting to the fast paced role of an astute Nurse Practitioner. The need for the above skills grows multifold when AG-ACNP students are involved as promptness and accuracy are of essence in the management of acute and critically ill patients. Providing these students experiential learning by providing them the exposure to standardized patients (SPs) in a simulation lab can prepare them for their actual clinical experience. Adding debriefing to these experiences is extremely valuable as well.

The integration of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) was used to test the knowledge and skills of AG-ACNP students.  OSCE included the cases such as Asthma, Unstable Angina, Bronchitis, Anemia, and cholecystitis to prepare the students for actual clinical experiences. The case scenarios were pre scripted and the SP’s were trained prior to the encounters. The students evaluated the patients in the simulation lab as they would evaluate actual patients during their clinical experiences. The encounters were video recorded and used for feedback and further improvement via Faculty evaluation, Student self-evaluation, Peer evaluation as well as evaluation by standardized patients.

This presentation will share and emphasize the role of OSCE in preparing students for actual clinical experiences by enhancing their assessment and diagnostic skills, improving confidence levels as well as facilitating professional role development. Discussion will include sample case scenarios that were used for this program. Student’s, SP’s as well as faculty perspectives will be included as well.

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