NONPF 39th Annual Meeting

Bridging the Gap for Interprofessional Education: Uniting Nurse Practitioner Students with Students from Other Health Care Professions
Friday, April 12, 2013: 11:20 AM
Sterling's (Wyndham Grand)
Freida Fuller, DSN, FNP-BC , Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, Mercer University, Atlanta, GA
Bridging the Gap for Interprofessional Education:   Uniting Nurse Practitioner Students with Students from Other Health Care Professions

The concept of interprofessional education (IPE) has been discussed in meetings and literature consistently since the 1950’s.  Most recently, in 2010, an Institute of Medicine (IOM) report on the future of nursing called for health professionals to develop interprofessional competencies into models for education for health professionals.  An expert panel published “Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice” in 2011.  Using this document as a starting point, an internal panel of experts was formed as an Ad-hoc Committee on Interprofessional Education, at a private university in the southeast.  Faculty representatives from a variety of programs were represented:  pharmacy, nurse practitioner, undergraduate nursing, physical therapy, physician assistant, medicine, and public health.   The directive for the committee was to develop methodologies and an infrastructure that would institutionalize interprofessional education into the classroom and clinical experiences.  This presentation will provide details of the steps taken to achieve the goal of bridging the gap between health professionals in a private university.

    Presentation Handouts