NONPF 39th Annual Meeting

Role Delineation of DNPs in Comprehensive Care
Saturday, April 13, 2013: 10:50 AM
Sterling's (Wyndham Grand)
Judy Honig, DNP, EdD , School of Nursing, Columbia University, New York, NY
Janice Smolowitz, DNP, EdD , School of Nursing, Columbia University, New York, NY
Aims: The purpose of the study was to collect information from DNPs about the breadth of clinical activities performed in Comprehensive Care. The aims of the delineation study were to measure fundamental components of the clinical practice of comprehensive care and to determine the relationship between the components of clinical practice and the ABCC Examination

Background: Comprehensive care is defined as care provided by a clinician who is knowledgeable about individuals’ health care needs across the lifespan, practices in all clinical settings, analyzes and interprets evidence as the basis for health care choices, and engages the patient in a collaborative relationship in the provision of continuous, coordinated services that include health promotion, disease prevention, and definitive disease management.

Problem and Methodology: The study was designed to explore and quantify the roles and functions of DNP/DCCs and to examine the relationship between the roles/functions and the ABCC Examination blueprint. An exploratory, survey design was used. Data were collected via an electronic survey. The sample included Diplomates of Comprehensive Care and DNPs eligible for the ABCC Examination. The instrument was designed by the researchers and included questions about the practice of comprehensive care functions and functional roles, with an emphasis on comprehensive care across the lifespan and across settings.

Analysis and Results:  Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the conditions, settings, encounters, clinical tasks and patient population.  Frequencies and respondents’ rates were reported for most of the items. Data on percentage of effort were reported as the mean percentages. Average percentages for DNPs’ survey responses were compared with the average percentage on the ABCC Examination blueprint. All findings will be presented.

The results of this survey provide evidence that the DNP/DCC practices fully in comprehensive care. These results support the congruence between the role of the DNP in comprehensive care and the ABCC Examination blueprint, including the content and clinical tasks.