NONPF 39th Annual Meeting

Welcome to the Branch Family: An Innovative Way to Engage Students
Friday, April 12, 2013: 11:00 AM
Bridges (Wyndham Grand)
Jill Winland-Brown, EdD, MSN, FNP-BC , College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Vero Beach, FL
Josie (JoAnne) Weiss, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP , Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Okeechobee, FL
Susan Garnett, MSN, FNP-BC , Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, Florida Atlantic University, Stuart, FL
Helping students apply theoretical knowledge to clinical practice throughout their advanced practice nursing education can be challenging. The purpose of this presentation is to promote understanding and management of health care concerns within the context of family using the members of the Branch Family. Throughout five semesters of the family nurse practitioner program, students come to know the Branch Family. Since our program is located at an oceanographic institute, our family members have names that are pertinent to the location. In the first clinical course, involving physical assessment, they are introduced to the Branch family using a genogram. Throughout the remainder of the program, students encounter various Branch family members and their ailments. Besides treating the presenting problem of the client, they come to know the various family members and situations they are involved in. In addition to diagnosing and managing the health concerns of the patient, students are encouraged to develop a more holistic approach to providing care as they encounter other family members who are present. The Branch family becomes even more real twice per semester by incorporating simulation experiences. During these experiences Branch family members come to life using high fidelity simulators and live family members. In one semester, we have a wedding announcement that is sent to all students announcing the marriage of one of the members of the Branch family and the genogram is revised. The following semester, students receive a birth announcement when the Branch couple has their first child. These are real family scenarios (including announcements) that help the family come alive. The mother (simulator) gives birth during the semester that OB/GYN content is taught. To help increase cultural sensitivity during one semester, there is a marriage between two gay individuals. During the semester involving pediatrics, one family takes in a foster child of a different culture. In the final semester, there is an obituary of a senior Branch family member.