NONPF 38th Annual Conference

A Technology Workshop for DNP/NP Students in Rural America

Saturday, April 16, 2011: 1:45 PM
Sendero I (Hyatt Regency Albuquerque)
Carolyn Rutledge, PhD, BC, FNP , Nursing, Old Dominion University, Virginia Beach, VA
The attendees of this symposium will develop an understanding of: 1. How to provide curricular content that will prepare DNP/NP students to address the needs of rural underserved individuals through technology and 2. Which hands-on activities with technology are most relevant for developing skills. In order to help DNP/NP students develop a thorough understanding of the role technology plays in healthcare, they participate in an innovative workshop using standardized patients and state of the art technology. At the beginning of the workshop, students meet as groups with a standardized stroke patient and caregiver that simulate the experiences inherent in rural healthcare. The students interview the patient and caregiver regarding healthcare issues as well as their capacity to utilize technology. Barriers to technology implementation are identified. Plans are made for overcoming the barriers. The students then rotate through four hands-on modules. These modules include Electronic Health Records, Clinical Decisions Support Systems, Social Media, and Telemedicine. The students are able to practice using each technology modality to address the needs that were presented by the standardized patient and caregiver. The standardized patient is used a second time during a practice session on telemedicine. During this session, the students participate in an office visit via the telemedicine network. They are able to practice providing care at a distance. The students then come up with strategies for overcoming some of the barriers that frequently plague rural communities related to the use of technology. Each module will be described in detail. Data will be presented on the outcomes of the program.
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