NONPF 38th Annual Conference

Brief Psychotherapeutic Approaches for Primary Care

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Marsha Snyder, PhD, PMHCNS, BC , Health Systems Science, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Nursing, Skokie, IL
Judith Heinschel, PhD, PMHNP, BC , Health Systems Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, Rockford, IL
In primary care efforts in chronic disease prevention and management are directed toward motivating patients into adoption of healthy life style changes that may include healthy diets, exercise, smoking cessation, and moderate alcohol use. However, these efforts may be met with limited success and frustration by both provider and patient. Patient motivation in some cases is impacted by anxiety and depressive disorders that interfere with good outcomes.  The prevalence of anxiety and depression is common to primary care clinics with the majority of treatment being provided by primary care providers with few patients actually referred or seen by secondary mental health services. Addressing these mental health problems can be challenging within the constraints of a busy clinic and productivity expectations.  Application of psychotherapeutic approaches that can be easily used within a 15 minute visit and have demonstrated efficacy can help to facilitate patient health goals and outcomes.